Eurocrypt 2023

April 23-27, 2023

Lyon, France

Call for Papers

General Information

Eurocrypt 2023, the 42nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security, will take place in Lyon, France, France. The conference is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).

Original research papers are welcomed on any cryptographic topic, including but not limited to:

  • foundational theory and mathematics
  • the design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographic primitives and protocols
  • secure implementation and optimization in hardware or software
  • applied aspects of cryptography

Important Dates

6 Oct 2022

Submission Deadline at 11:59pm Anywhere On Earth (AOE) (Friday 7 Oct 2022 11:59:59am UTC)

8 Dec 2022

Early Reject Notification

8 Dec 2022 - 21 Dec 2022

Interactive Discussion

31 Jan 2023

Final Notification

23 Apr 2023

Conference Begins

Early Withdrawal

Until final decisions have been made, authors can only withdraw their paper with the express approval of the program chairs.


The Program Committee may choose one or more papers to receive an overall Best Paper Award. In a continuing effort to promote independent work by researchers at early stages of their careers, the Program Committee may also award a prize for the best paper(s) authored exclusively by early-career researchers. To be eligible, all co-authors should be within four years of their PhD completion date at the time of submission. As usual, awards will only be given if deserving papers are identified.

Program Committee

Area Chairs

Program Co-Chairs

General Co-Chairs