Eurocrypt 2025

May 4-8, 2025

Madrid, Spain

Student Stipends

We are very pleased to be able to offer stipends to financially assist students who wish to attend Eurocrypt 2025. The general fund for stipends is provided by the generous support from our Silver, Gold, and Platinum sponsors, and will be especially used to increase diversity within the cryptographic community. For this reason, we strongly encourage applications from women and members of other historically underrepresented groups. Furthermore, we have a limited number of stipends for (Bachelor, Masters, or PhD) students from Spain, thanks to a donation from the Centro de Ciberseguridad Ayuntamiento de Madrid (CCMAD) and the IMDEA Software Institute.

Application procedure

We plan to open our call for stipends shortly after the final notification of papers acceptance. If you will need a visa to attend the conference, please check this page and start the visa request at your earliest convenience, independently of the stipend.

Students presenting a paper at Eurocrypt 2025

If you are a student presenting at Eurocrypt 2025, your registration fee will be covered by the Cryptography Research Fund for Student Presenters. Please contact the General Chair before registering to obtain a registration waiver token. In this case, you do not need to apply for a stipend (unless you need additional financial support).

Additional information

Applicants should be aware that we do not usually fund all of an awardee's attendance costs. Thus an applicant is likely to also need to supplement the funds from other sources. The award will usually cover the cost of registration to the conference and exceptionally we will provide accommodation or travel. The exact number of stipend awardees will be dependent on the overall funding available for stipends.

We plan to open the submission of stipends at the beginning of February. Please check this page for more updates.

Please contact Pedro Moreno-Sanchez with any questions.